Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.


Dear Agoracom Family,

I want to thank all of you for your patience with us over the past 48 hours and apologize for what was admittedly a botched launch of our new site.

As you can see, we have reverted back to the previous version of the site while we address multiple forum functionality flaws that inexplicably made their way into the launch.

To this end:

1.We have identified 8 fundamental but easily fixable flaws that will be corrected in the coming week, so that you can continue to use the forums exactly as you've been accustomed to.

2.Additionally we will also be implementing a couple of design improvements to "tighten up" the look and feel of the forums.


George et al

Message: another new Greg McCoach

another new Greg McCoach

posted on Oct 04, 2008 02:51AM

Hi All, thanks a lot for the very good posts, look forward to hear about your visits to the Toronto show. Unfortunately i will not attend myself. I am sitting here in Amsterdam, waiting anxiously for your new info! Below a new Greg McCoach.

Buy Gold Now

Things Have Gone From Bad to Worse

By Greg McCoach
Friday, October 3rd, 2008

"Investors in gold are demanding "unprecedented" amounts of bullion bars and coins and moving them into their own vaults as fears about the health of the global financial system deepen. Industry executives and bankers at the London Bullion Market Association annual meeting said the extent of the move into physical gold was unseen and driven by the very rich."
Financial Times, September 30, 2008

"Business must go on."

That's what our government officials (unofficially, Wall Street's lap dogs) are pleading before Congress this week.

These are the same people who have been telling us time and time again that all is well, and not to worry.

They were able to convince the masses that the U.S. dollar was strong, the American economy financially sound, and Wall Street still the envy of the world.

Now they're whistling a completely different tune.

Those of us sounding the warning bells regarding those fantasies were largely ignored and written off...

... "gloom and doomers"... paranoid, bearded mountain men sporting tinfoil hats.

It's the same response we heard back in 2001... when a smart minority began screaming to buy gold.

And here we are six years later, still screaming... BUY GOLD!

Meanwhile, after one spectacular failure on Monday...

...The $700 billion bailout plan got a second life Wednesday speeding toward passage in the Senate.

Senators added a couple tax breaks and other incentives for the right and left, hoping to secure approval in the House today.

"Sweeteners," these incentives are being called... most of them merely extensions on current programs that should-in a sane Congress-pass on their own merits.

But wait. There was something new.

Republicans included an increase on the limit on the Federal Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC), from $100,000 to $250,000.

Are these just more promises they won't be able to keep?

The fact is that cash reserves held by the FDIC have now slipped below the minimum level set by Congress... and now sit at only $45.2 billion.

That's $45 billion... to back up $5 trillion in deposits!

The government is trying to keep an elephant balanced on a 10-foot long toothpick. Sooner rather than later, that elephant is going to fall.

Still, where does that leave us?

We're left with pretty much the same bailout deal we had last week... devoid of any fundamental changes.

Look—the passage of the bailout will prop up the markets and U.S. dollar in the short-term. No doubt about it. But there's simply no bailout, no matter how big, that can solve the deep-rooted problems in the U.S. credit markets.

It is only a matter of time before the whole enchilada collapses.

And That's Exactly When You Want to Own Gold!

All of this Fed and government intervening in markets has only made matters worse.

The consequences of decades-long abuse of our credit systems have caught up to us like the Black Plague. Only, it's not killing off our populations... it's wiping out our assets.

Last Monday alone, $1.4 trillion in wealth disappeared from the American economy. We're witnessing a cataclysmic vortex of wealth destruction, which—for those who are unprepared—will only grow deeper.

Fortunately, this financial pandemic affords a few ways to make money while others suffer. All you need is the guts to accept the truth behind what's happening.

What's Not to Like about an Average Gain of 212% Over 5 Straight Years?

The problems with the U.S. dollar-based financials are nothing new. We've watched the value of the U.S. dollar fall like a led zeppelin over the past 6 years. During that time, gold, silver and other commodity prices increased. And we made ridiculous profits in junior gold and mining stocks the whole way.

And another meteoric rise in junior gold stocks is just around the corner...

Gold, silver, and many other commodities are getting ready to skyrocket. Of course, the current financial crisis has taken a significant toll on junior stocks, pushing many to multi-month-and even multi-year-lows.

It's all adding up to what could become the biggest buying opportunity for junior gold and silver stocks ever!

We're on the verge of a breakout run. And it's not uncommon for junior gold stocks to experience huge gains (tenfold or more) very quickly as news of a discovery leaks out.

On top of that, the evolving bull market in precious metals not only focuses more attention on the sector, but also causes even more money to be spent on exploration. And the payback for a new find increases exponentially.

There's simply no stopping gold from doubling up and hitting $2,000 an ounce. I wouldn't even be surprised at a $3,000 price target by the end of this bull market.

Regardless, U.S. dollar destruction will ensure the yellow metal's meteoric run.

Now I've been telling my readers to buy gold for almost a decade now, particularly in the junior mining sector. I know that most people have trouble accepting gold as an investment. But I also know that those who have heard me out-and followed through with my research and recommendations-have made extraordinary, life-altering returns.

Still, most will pay no attention... clinging to the same empty message from Wall Street.

But for those of you who can see the writing on the wall, there's never been a better time-a more crucial time-to protect your portfolio with gold and precious metals.

And for a limited time, there's an easy way to do precisely that... for as little as $25.

To get immediate inside access to the junior mining companies poised for major run-ups - the ones I've visited firsthand and carefully selected after exhaustive research and quality controls - simply take a trial of my Mining Speculator advisory.

While everyone else gets blindsided, you could be making a fortune with my portfolio... all within the next few months.

Simply click here to get started.

Good investing,

Greg McCoach
Investment Director, Mining Speculator
Editor, Gold World

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