Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: What are we waiting for?

Great post Kohai!

I forgot about the permitting that Brian mentioned on Sunday. Its great to know that if the deal on the table is to up to par, KXL would be ready and willing to go from Explorer to Producer!

Its really painful to watch my portfolio these days, and its even more painful that I did not sell my .93 cent cheapies a few weeks back at $1.80 to only see the stock retrace down to almost that level yet again. As a long, i get so nervous selling this stock on an uptrend like we just saw because of potentially missing something bigger.

Buy and hold is so much easier, but so much more painful lol

Good night everyone, I'll be coutning green sheep in my dream tonight in anticipation of what i hope will be a better day tommorow. I am sick of them being slaughtered! ;)

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