Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: What are we waiting for?

When our poor sick colleague Brian announced he was off to Dubai at the recent conference we were taken aback given his tender condition (and the expense - well lets face it we're stock holders).

Brian explained (he's a stock holder too) that the key to weathering these hard times is to get our unique story out. To do that we have to go where the interest (money) is regardless of the fact we have several years of money in the bank. To protect our share price (in these difficult times) while we prove up our resource is important in the event that outside interest is shown.

Not only have I continued to purchase this stock since the conference, I hope we are sending this guy business class with suitable accommodations! Brian is a fellow marathoner - so I know he's tough - and convincing.

P.S. I want to correct an earlier post that referenced only 6 confidentiality agreements. The correct number is 8 CA's



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