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Message: Trading

Re: Trading - Gan

posted on Nov 23, 2009 10:10PM

I know that the 43-101 is in no way a guarantee, tho I think it means they think we have a fighting chance, and may give us a few more options.

The largest # of my shares have been bought below a dollar. At a few times through the last 18 mo's or so, I would buy when it retested lows, then when it rebounded, I put a stop under part of the buy, raising it when possible, until it sold and returned my initial investment... free shares remained. Have given thought to doing that again, but I am still holding the shares I bought a yr ago when it retested .90! The way my farming luck is going currently, I don't feel like putting my neck on the chopping block too much!

Buying on the way up is certainly a good strategy sometimes. I do this sometimes with larger co's on a technical breakout. These speculative small caps are a bit tricky to do that with I think.

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