Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: Top picks, OT

Jan 02, 2010 09:59PM

Jan 02, 2010 11:13PM
Jan 03, 2010 02:15AM

Jan 03, 2010 06:08AM

I have been studyin' and figgerin' my move in the TFSA account and decided to take a bunch of profits and hold cash for a little while..With what I have just put in and the profits in cash ,I believe that is my top pick for right now..I believe that this market is frothy and ready for a correction..It is unwise for me to be buying at the top or what I consider the top of the market..I will be holding cash for the next while..

While cash pays zippo return,it is king when the market tanks..THEN I will be buying and looking at Top picks on the way down will be getting a wish list together..

So Sayth Portee..

Jan 03, 2010 10:11AM
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