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Message: my full disclosure required

my full disclosure required

posted on Apr 06, 2010 01:37PM

I was recently made aware of a post made on Stockhouse by Tibber.

As a shareholder in Sage I occaisionally call IR as well as Nigel. I'm sure many on this board do the same. On one such call to IR I was told that alot of progress was made on their previously stated intention to JV with a " near production " company and that news could be expected shortly. I informed 3 members on the Sage site who I trusted by PRIVATE MESSAGE what I had learned. I felt it would be inappropriate to openly post such information.The intention by Sage to move in this direction was fell published at this point. I did not receive specifics concerning any particular companies involved, so I feel that IR's comments were not that unusual.

I later learned by a private message that Tibber had posted my PRIVATE MESSAGE on Stockhouse and had included my name ( Rico ) ! I was accused of being an insider or worse,a paid employee of Sage.Tibber then decided to post my PRIVATE MESSAGE on 2 Agoracom sites, Plexmar and Kodiak ( this time minus my name ). See April 2 post by Tibber on Kodiak site.

I am a private investor and not an insider or a Sage or any other company employee. Posting someones private message is the lowest of lows and I would expect a public apology from Tibber at the very least. He has apologized by private message only.

Many of you on the board know me as I have been here a long time. I feel my reputation and character have been attacked and so I am addressing this issue now.My creditability with Sage IR may also be damaged which coild limit my access to them thus potentially affecting my investment there.

I am writing this because some of you visit Stockhouse and may have seen Tibber's post with my name,plus it was posted here on this KXL site.

I was tried and convicted by a one man tribunal ,all of which was inaccurate.

Sorry to take your time but I felt that this needed to be addressed quickly.

Still long KXL and SGX. Rico

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