Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: U3O8

Re: U3O8

posted on Apr 15, 2010 09:57PM

Hey, they found some nickle, it went from .15 (buying opportunity)to 3.50 in short order (selling opp). It went back down to .50 (buying opp) and then up to $5.00 in a couple months (selling opp). Now it is back to .30 (ok a bit lower). Buying opp??? Maybe. I guess if you think of KXL as a buy and hold to get rich, you are disappointed. If you view it as a trader that gives you a 10-20 bagger every couple yrs, it is stellar. No, I haven't done that (and wasn't in on Caribou) but you can bet that if U308 is found and we get a big pop, a bunch of my shares will have stop losses or sell orders attached to them. If it goes all the way to the moon, I will still have some.

KXL is great at finding the minerals they are looking for IMO. Finding enough for a mine is a low % proposition, and they are par for the course in not hitting it big there. Too bad par wasn't a bit better.

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