Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: $28,454,313

There are alot of people that thought Sage was a great buy for whatever reasons at 50 cents all the way down to 5 cents. Same is true of KXL. A stock is only worth what someone is willing to pay you for it--just follow the price. I have never read so much BS in my life as i have on the Sage and KXL discussion forum sites. I believe that some people that try to convince you there is value as prices decline(by large percentages like 50-90%) are either convincing people to buy for ulterior motives or do not understand that when a stock goes down that they lose money if they own it. I'm just kidding about the later reason. This site is really for people looking to make money in the stock by buying low and selling high--isn't it????

ANOTHERWORDS--PEOPLE THAT SAID IT WAS A GREAT BUY AT $1.00(after dropping 75%) are still saying there is value at .75, .60, .50, 40, etc. Do you really think they know what they are talking about or are they just trying to find people to buy the stock?

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