Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Cash...

What is this company going to do with its relatively massive cash position?

That is the $20'odd million dollar question for me... and the only/main reason I am still in.

IF they can do something 'creative' with this cash to finally 'create some shareholder value' things could change here... quickly (some larger widths at Milestone may also have positive effect... and although I don't have much hope... uranium a dark horse?)

IF they plan to use this money as they have done in the past (i.e. extensive drilling of non-economic vein deposit... that is the Golden Mile)... then we are done for IMO.

Cash is king in this business and KXL does still have that going for it despite their inability to produce re: exploration. I will stay until I see what they are going to do with this cash.


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