Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: WTF!!!!!?????

Jul 31, 2012 02:52PM

DEJA VU?????????????????????????SHADES OF THE GOLDEN MILE???????????NO MONEY NO FUNNY mother used to lecture me in her broken english..........i still want to give maher the benefit of my doubts being way out of wack.......but if you look at lsg,sgr,sas plus afew others that have 300 million+ shares outstanding their price( and they are in production unlike us who are spinning a story for the converted ) around or less than a buck

so whats my point......our upside is a buck if we are lucky.............and dilution and/or creative financing will take place before we are in production..................if we hit a buck i am the mean time maher quit preaching to the converted we need new blood get a story that will excite that new blood........i know iknow i have been saying the same thing in my last 3 or whatever posts.....and if i say it enough even i will begin beleiving....have a good day..........

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