Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Lost confidence..

Well fellow board bloggers.. I have lost my confidence in PDG..both the Management and the board of directors,...Including Hartly Richardson...the Chairman..

I got into KXL because I thought that the Richardson family would not back a boiler room operation..scam job or any other dishonest en devour in the public(or private ) domain...not that i think PDG is a boiler room beauty or a scam..but when the promised news releases are not forth coming..especially after reasonable efforts by investors to contact the company and no response to our calls for an explanation of to why the delay ..then what are we to think...??

First of all when the delay occurred ,the CEO should give a news release explain why...the delay..

Once the news release deadline is past..the previous promises become a lie..

So they are lying to me..

"Show me a liar and I'll show you a thief.."!!!!

I could go on but why bother..

My investing in any Richardson associated business is done..

and any mining business with the present management is done..

This is my opinion...chose your own path..

No more buying from PORTEE.


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