Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: donating stock?

good call - I should be buying, e.g. solar and maybe Mantis too. But I'm off travelling in a few days and I don't want too much on my mind.

The #1 thing for me these days is subprime. E.g. there are huge, huge payments due on Dec 31, and what with the Europeans putting $500 billion out there, I think things are very, very shaky on the financial side.

I do worry a bit that it could bring the whole house of cards down. So I sold 5% of my portfolio today.

That said, I keep reminding myself that usually things are not as bad as they seem. That, and from my research, after a crash gold stocks go sub-market by roughly 50%, and then rebound very strongly to e.g. 500% 6 months later (1929, 1973, 1987).

P.S. Did you read that Nanosolar has sold their 1st MegaWatt to Germany, and sold all of their 2008 production already, and for $1 / Watt?

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