Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Re: What stocks can recover the quickest?
Jan 13, 2008 07:39AM

Jan 13, 2008 11:38AM

Jan 13, 2008 11:59AM

Jan 20, 2008 09:42AM

Accidently sent last message b4 done!

Anyways, what I am looking to put in my PF now are co's with real, positive earnings with some room to grow. Dryships (DRYS) is one I have watched and put in my top 5 in the GZD contest, though it was not a right time to buy. I took a chance on it for the contest and it has been hit hard. Glad I didn't buy when I reccomended! Anyways, it has rapidly growing earnings (they are bulk shipping) and a very low pe, assigned I think in fear of global recession slowing shipping. The other fly inthe ointment is a fairly high debt load. The good side, is very new and current ship in a world that has a lot of old clunkers, and buisness seems to be booming. BTW, they were featured on Stars and Dogs on BNN last week.

One thing I want to bring up is prices. It seems everyone here soooo favours stocks under a dollar, and the lower the better. My best returns (KXL excl) have been higher priced stocks, which can seem to add 30-50% as fast as Jr's. Of course, jrs is what Agoracom is about so maybe I am talking about them on the wrong site.

Anyhow, happy Capitalism!

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