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Message: Gwynn Dyer

Gwynn Dyer

posted on Mar 11, 2008 01:36PM

Canadians will likely recognize the name, he is a journalist of some reputation north of the border. I went to hear him speak yesterday on climate change. He stated that Britain is preparing to isolate themselves in event that climate change will cause massive food shortages throughout the world, while more moderate climates like Britain's (and Canada's) will still be self sufficient in food, but may be the target for attack by starving nations. These aren't the 3rd world nations you normally think of as having food crisis, but some countries of the developed world. Britain is spending billions on upgrading their military, some of the reason being the above mentioned possible crisis. His soloution is to have severe cuts to CO2 emmisions, muchof it by going to solar, wind and nuclear (esp nuclear) power. Furthermore, because developing nations are becoming major polluters, the developed world will need to set them up with clean energy, and not expect to be paid for it. Our price to pay for a hundred years of polloution.

I have always been a bit on the skeptical side regarding some of the apocalyptic climate change scenarios, but I have to admit there are a lot of scientists believing this to be a very real possibility (hopefully not the same scientists predicting an impending ice age in the 70's...). No matter the reality, I think that "green energy" has a huge future and it is wise to have a portion of the portfolio commited to this area. Lets hope the reality isn't as bad as his dire (Dyer?) prediction.

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