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Message: In Palin's defence

In Palin's defence

posted on Sep 27, 2008 04:59PM

I shall don my shiny armour and polish my lance (hey, mind out of the gutter!) and defend the Rep. VP candidate. Honestly, I think Palin makes the perfect VP candidate... in 4 years. She is a bit new to the high level political scene and needs a bit more time facing reporters. They really needed a boost now, so she was called up from the minors a bit quick.

However...I don't think you get to be governor of Alaska, Alabama or any state without having some brains, guts and stamina behind you, unless you have a load of $ to buy it for you (Did anyone else hear Belinda's name, or was that just me?), and I don't think she came from mega$. I have tremendous respect for women who can raise a family and have a career. Does she have much (any) foreign policy experience? Not to speak of. Does Obama have any experience in having the buck stop with him? Any executive desisions in his past? No. The left wing media on both sides of the border is doing their best to discredit her. If the Republicans stopped trying to puff up her weak points and admit there are a few short comings and point out her strengths, I think they would do better.

Who in America has a background that gets them ready for being president? The only one I can think of is the VP, because they are in on everything, without the ultimate burden. There is no way anyone can be tops on foreign policy, economics, domestic issues, the constitution... all the things a president needs. The President and VP need to surround themselves witht he right people inthese areas and know how to make a decision, and make the decision work. I think she can do that.

Yes, and she is hot.

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