Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Kzet


posted on Nov 06, 2008 11:38AM

Ok, I feel kinda responsible as I inadvertantly sparked an uproar when I mentioned the election.


You have a point about health care. I waited 14 mos to get an MRI to be told I didn't need surgery. Could go on, but in true Cdn fashion, I think a blending of the systems (a compromise) would do the best, as we have too many people here who view a trip to the Dr. as a great social outing.

We do get a much more left bias from our media. Personally, I am right leaning, was happy to see Bush come in 8 yrs ago, and have been disapointed ever since. Some of that can be blamed on Congress, but the guy at the top gets the cheers and jeers. Always been that way.

9/11. Most Cdns believe we were hit that day, tho actual casualties were very low (a few Cdns in the towers). We did go into Afganistan with you. Went on day one, we are still losing good men and women there, fighting in the worst part of the whole nasty country, with a contingient that is large for our population. I don't know if the US "came running to us for assistance" or not, we saw injustice and an attack on a neighbour and ally and went willing. We did not go to Iraq because there was no sound reason to go.

I don't think the market downturn can be blamed on the election any more than it can on the wind and cold we've had since tuesday. The results were no surprise, I am sure the market factored that in.

Cheers, and here's to mended fences.


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