Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Finally!!!


posted on Nov 27, 2008 09:23AM

The messages of congratualtions come in from world leaders (the esteemed Mr. Baggins). I don't think Obama had to wait this long!

(ahem) Thank you Sir Baggins for your kind words. I intend for my rule to be fair, but exceedingly harsh. Tell me, I haven't yet weilded my deleting power, what exactly happens to those I choose to smite? I have this mental image from War of the Worlds a couple yrs back where the unlucky victim gets hit by a ray of energy and blows into ash, their clothes floating gracefully to the ground. Is it like that, or is there blood? The wierd thing is I can smite someone (oh, I love that word smite, it has a sense of irrepressible power used by a vastly superior being) and not see the outcome. The only Ignoracom being I know in real life is Farmer Sparky, and If I cook his goose, my kid is out one hockey coach and I may have to take over which takes away from my world domination time.

So, I guess I will take you up on your offer. Volume I please. Might as well go alphabetically so we don't miss anyone.

Cheers! And Happy thanksgiving to our American friends... esp the heroic Sinbad.

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