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Message: Re: ETF question

Feb 27, 2009 06:53AM

These ETF's are really just for day trading or holding for a month at most. In December the ETF was getting too low so they did a 5 for 1 reverse split. When they change to the next months contract, if the next month oil is more than the current months oil, the ETF can't buy as much oil. So that will erode the value. They also reset everyday after the close. Even if the price of the commodity stays the same the ETF will loose money because of the daily reset and fees. I hope this helps, I'm not the best at explaining things. All I know if I were to play these again I would use stops if you don't you are asking for trouble.

Mar 05, 2009 05:10PM
Mar 05, 2009 07:41PM

Mar 06, 2009 04:25AM

Mar 07, 2009 07:17PM
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