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Message: Quebec article on investing

Jun 27, 2011 02:42PM

Jun 27, 2011 03:16PM
Jun 27, 2011 09:33PM

Jun 27, 2011 09:36PM

ps I don't know if anyone saw, but they ranked Quebec as the worst place to invest in Oil and Gas. They said that there has been a lot of mis information and lies being spread and not letting science (that has already been established) make the call.

Charest is always going on about how Quebec is a great place to invest...he better think twice. I know that he was going overseas to Europe to encourage investors to come to Quebec (I think for other resources), but this article might be a great way to scare Quebec into thinking better about these things. This Fraser survery was a huge one that ranks the entire world, and Quebec is worst in Canada and ranks among some pretty politically unstable places around the world. Not one would like to be compared too, especially trying to attract investors. I know oil and gas are different, but the articles write about how industry was stopped all of a sudden after being given such reassurances and I know other investing in mines etc wouldn't be too thrilled to think that that could happen to them.

So this was a nice wake up call I hope.

This is a sample, but not the entire report of course :)



Jun 28, 2011 08:39AM
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