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Message: Interesting Article on Fracking

In the Vancouver Sun today

Scientists say the controversial and fast growing energy sector practice of fracking to get at natural gaS trapped underground has been unfairly blamed fo4r contamination.

Some people living near US hydraulic fracturing operations have even reported well water that burns

The contamination is more likely caused by chem ical spills during fracking that are not unique to the process 8itself, said Chip Groat of the Unisity of Texas

He led a study released Thursday in Vancouver at the annual meeting of the American Assoc for the Advancement of Science that found no direct connection between groundwater contamination and fracking. The process used in many parts of the US and W Canada opumpms blah blah with some ladowners p0ointing to their flammable tap water as evidence

They were able to set the water on fire so something is gtoing on he said

But he and his colleagues could find no link betweenn the fammable tap water and the fracting going on thousands of meters underground. Thje study which looked oat areas were fracking has taken place in Texas Penn and NY found that the groudwater contamination often can be traced to spills at ground level of mishandling of waste water with the gas extraction process

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