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Message: Glucose fluctuation

JK. In regards to the glucose excursion study.....while this is a good study, not too surprising. It's not just LDL that contributes to CAD (I'm presuming that statins were the lipid lowering agent here). As we know, HDL, inflammation and insulin resistance are all contributors to CAD as well. RVX-208 raises HDL and has anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, RVX-208 seems to have effects on glucose control (though the mechanism isn't clear). So RVX-208 would be expected to improve (lower) the glycemic excursion amplitude. My guess is that these glucose fluctuations in this study (I haven't read anything but the abstract) are a reflection of insulin sensitivity. So those patient with the worst insulin resistance have the highest glucose excursions and the most severe CAD.

Toniv, the article that you posted on HDL efflux capacity being correleated with CAD even moreso that HDL levels is spot on. It's not just HDL leveles....its HDL functionality. This has been the bread and butter of RVX-208 all along. Unlike CETP inhibitors, which may raise HDL levels but at the cost of decreased HDL functionality, RVX-208 gives rise to more functional HDL.



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