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Message: Why investing in RVX is hard right now.....

I'd be curious to know how long others have been invested here and what put RVX on their radar....

I climbed on board back in January of 2014, so I've been holding about a year and a half. During that time I have taken profits a couple of times while maintaining a core position, and then bought back to increase my holdings. I've been far from perfect though, hindisght being 20/20 I wish I'd have sold some up in the high 2's and then bought back in...again with an idea to building an even larger position.

Obviously though I missed the climb in 2012 and 2013....when RVX went up near $4. Given that RVX was much less further developed at that stage I'm curious as to what attracted investors to the stock.

I'm assuming (which is dangerous) that many heard of RVX through the traditional means of news and promotion. If that's the case, those are the times when its easier to buy a stock. Volumes are typically better thanks to the advertising, and there's usually plenty of ink being spilled (or the digital equivilant) telling investors what a wise decision they've made.

Another of my late great father's favourite bromides was that tried and tested axiom, "don't marry a stock". But selling is hard, even after gains....because the stock's rising valuation validates the reasons you purchased it in the first place. That's a situation I'm in....I've more than doubled my $$$ here, but I still see far too much upside to think about taking my money off the table.

Now RVX is much closer to the levels it was trading at back in those halcyon days...much improved from where it was before the failed trial saw the PPS punished severely, although with still plenty of room to go.

With volumes this low its obvous to me that RVX is not widely followed...and its a gamble as to whether they'll be able to attract a wider following given the US OTC listing. But of course that's the dream....a Nasdaq listing, or a buyout by big pharma in lieu there of.

I can't help thinking that if RVX was listed on the Nasdaq that, given the unbelievable potential here....that a market capitalization of double the current value would not be at all unreasonable, and potentially maybe sniffing around 1 billion USD.

Anyway...enough stream of concious thinking. Good luck all.

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