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Message: Some back of the envelope calculations.....

I've mentioned often enough that I'm not a science guy....I'm confident in my overall knowledge of the market, but my background in the bio-tech space is woefully inadequate. To a degree I feel like a guy who knows nothing about mining, but who buys a parcel of land because he thinks there's gold in the ground...Why does he think there's gold in the ground? Because he's seen guys who know about gold and mining doing work in the area and based on their demeanour he thinks they look excited....that's like reading a chart.

I've learned a little from following the CAR-T hype, and I saw the movie 'Love and other drugs'....sure its a chick flick but a look at Anne Hathaway's ass alone is worth the price of admission.

I want to benchmark RVX-208 against another existing drug....but obviously there's nothing like it on the market right now. However would Crestor be a good candidate?

Crestor has revenues of around 5 billion per year....obvioulsy that's a little pie in the sky. To attain that level of sales (#4 by sales worldwide) it takes a pharmacy player with sales and marketing capabilities...But were Resverlogix to sell RVX-208 would 1 billion in annual sales be reasonable in the near term, assuming of course regulatory approval.

For the sake of argument, and because this is pure speculation, we'll say 1 billion is attainable with approval. Profit margins in the pharmacetical sphere average close to 20% (http://www.bbc.com/news/business-28212223) so let's be conservative and say 10%.

So...1 billion in revenue in this hypothetical would result in 100 million in profit.

Currently there are over 86 million shares of RVX outstanding. But I'm certain if things play out the way longs here are hoping, that by the time RVX 208 would hit the market that there would be option grants and other forms of dilution....let's almost double the shares to 150 million.

By those numbers (purely hypothetical again, but if they were to work out very conservative in my opinion) then EPS would be roughly .67.....

Now to assign a multiple....20x earnings I think would be conservative, but let's go even lower to just 10.

That would give us a price target of close to $7 per share....obvioulsy though there are lots of hurdle's to be cleared before that could happen...and possibly years to wait.

And of course I think the assumptions I made on revenue and profit are overly conservative....possibly by 100% or more.

Any thoguhts anyone....I'm kind of hoping to spur some discussion and build my knowledge base

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