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Message: Some back of the envelope calculations.....

I know that was an average figure, and likely includes generics which are much lower margin...but I like being conservative in my estimations.

And you're obviously right, that if 208 makes it to market, it won't be Resverlogix driving the bus. I'm new to bio-tech as I've oft mentioned. Are there any comparable's where Jrs have developed a drug candidate that was bought by a major? What are the possibilities? Would a Pfizer or AZ buy a Jr all kit and kaboodle, or just the drug candidate?

A bit more than a year back (about the same time I bought RVX) I bought Bellus Health and turned a relatively quick double on it....but left $$$ on the table. In fact I don't even know what happened after I sold (in around .40 out over .90) because I stopped watching it after it went to $1.25...it was almost a pure technical play on my part because all I know about the drug they were developing was that it was for a rare disease/condition and when I started to see promotion I decided to take my gains.

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