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Message: I didn't understand orphan disease status before.....

I bought Bellus Health last year about the same time I bought RVX....I got it around 40 cents and sold it at 90 cents. I gladly took my gains because I really didn't understand the space...I'd bought the chart, having radared the company because of prominent insider ownership.

The disease they're targetting is AA amyloidosis. Haven't heard of it? I'm guess the only people who have ever heard of the disease are those who have it....I think there are 5 people in the world (sarcasm). I was happy to take my $$$ off the table there because I didn't understand the patent implications and potential for drugs targetting incredibly rare "orphan" diseases.

If RVX-208 can find a faster path to approval through this orphan status.....WoW!!! I believe it was SFran who mentioned that just because a drug is designed for the treatment of a rare condition....that doesn't mean it can't be perscribed for something more common like Diabetes. That's why big pharma has huge sales teams that go around and talk to Doctors.

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