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Message: Hepalink buys Cytovance Biologics

I find the Hepalink story very interesting for the following reasons;

  1. They have a very strong cash flow base with Heparin in many countries.
  2. They seem to be diversifying their base by buying biotech's such as Cytovance and establishing bases in various countries and notably the USA (many Chinese companies have been buying intellectual property companies in the USA, hence patent knowledge, and buying into the oil business in Canada).
  3. They now have their foot in the door in Canada with a 13% stake in Resverlogix and the rights and commitment to do the clinical trials of rvx-208 in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.
  4. The Chinese gov't seems to see that accelerating clinical trial approvals as perhaps a competitive advantage vs. other countries. This seems OK if the experimental designs are appropriate and there should be no issue because they are advanced scientifically.

So if they get their part of the BETonMACE trial moving forward soon they will be able to "kick the rvx-208 tires" and they will be watching closely at every point. If they begin to see results like the 77% RRR of MACE in the DM with CVD and low HDL population (as per post hoc ASSURE/SUSTAIN) they will have a lead on the knowledge, probabilities and valuations of the drug tested in a cause and effect experimental design. With their (Hepalink's) presence already established in the USA, and of course taking account of all of the regulatory issues, they (Hepalink) will be a take it to market opportunity for rvx-208.

Of course, by this stage, they may already be providing cash flow for themselves and RVX based on rvx-208 royalties and other payments.

This then could imply that Hepalink may gain as much knowledge about rvx-208 as RVX, Eastern and NGN. I think it would safe to say that, with the money they have invested, their scientists are already all over this drug (rvx-208). I guess that is a no brainer.

So, if Hepalink moves fast the revenues will flow as the EU trials and hopefully the USA FDA approved get moving. It is already clear that the EU is more progressive than the FDA. (however, as a side note, it was a Canadian doctor working for the FDA that blocked the sale of thalidomide in the USA!!! ...while Canada approved it).

In terms of the acceptance and critical analysis of the post hoc science by RVX re rvx-208 even though they have been presenting papers for 18 months I have not seen or heard any critical reviews. E.g.;

  1. What do independent scientists think about the 77% RRR in DM, CVD with low HDL think? (we know that Eastern, NGN and Hepalink scientists must feel very strongly about the power of rvx-208). What are the academics thinking? Where are the blogs and critiques on this?
  2. What do independent scientists think about the MOA of rvx-208? RVX has done a brilliant job of understanding the MOA of rvx-208s epigenetic effects and BDAZ has provided the translation conduit for people like me. So what is the feedback from the international conferences?
  3. Re the above point, there may be critiques in scientific journals. Why isn't RVX on top of these issues?

It strikes me that it is amazing that their are no "safe" competitors with rvx-208 at this stage.

We are all aware of the drags on the stock price at this stage;

  1. Last February Don was very confident of phase lll BETonMACE approval by the FDA and so far no announcement! However, RVX did achieve EU approval and IMHO that is a very big deal!!! But now I want to hear about the first dosing!!!
  2. BETonMACE ph lll will move ahead with Hepalink and they will hustle but the focus on the state of stock indexes drags the market psychology down. No worries for me. When rvx-208 succeeds (and I believe it will) the savings in lives, the improvements in quality of life and savings in health care cost will help economies compete.
  3. There are also perceived issue with share structure but if this drug hits I'd say don't worry, there is plenty of room for everybody (I know I'll get criticized for that).
  4. Then, of course, there is the communications problems - the inability to get the message out in an effective manner. Perhaps Russo is being nickel and dimed but they should realize that if they hit a winner there is a big pot of gold for them as well.

Anyway, I guess I am just ranting.

Being a statistician and science junky I realize it is basically impossible to predict anything with any degree of certainty...so I'll endeavour not to BUT I do hope Don has some goodies coming soon.

Cheers to all!


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