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Message: Re: ...is anybody out there at the AGM...?

Koo...this is how I picture RVX right now:

Imagine a neighborhood with 500 properties in it. The area is a working class downtown area that's a little run down near the docks, and each of these properties has a market value of about 100K each. A consortium of developers has put together a plan, they already own adjacent land that they're planning to revitalize in the area with a mixutre of commercial, residential and other projects that will make the area very desirable.

They start buying up what properties are available and manage to pick up 100 of them, but in so doing they've driven the price up to about 200K. The developers know that once their revitilization of the area of the area is complete that these same properties will have a value of somewhere around 2 million each....and the remaining 400 owners have gotten wind of the plans and they're starting to demand higher and higher prices for their lots....some saying they'll hold on until they're worth the full 2 million.

So what do the developers do?

They talk to the members of the city council and all of a sudden the idea is floated for a meth clinic and a halfway house in the area.....the developers, good souls all will donate some of the needed resources including real estate to see these projects come to fruition. Some of the remaining owners get scared, and sell....they don't get 200K though, only $125 - $150K and they're mad at themselves for missing the chance to sell for $200K. But others believe its just a smoke screen to scare them out of their properties and dig their heels in, and even start competing to buy the odd property that comes on the market.

The developers, to keep the market price low....start swapping properties amongst themselves at lower prices to depress the market and to frighten off speculators.

Welcome to the stock market....imo this is what we're seeing with RVX and is something I think is de rigeur activity in the stock market.

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