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Message: Nothing to do but sit back and wait......

Ledenfrog, yes, although I believe strongly in the science I sometimes feel that I can just wait for a little blip and reduce my position to 1/10th and then wait until late 2018 when we might see trial results.

However, then I think about the incredible progress that has been made in understanding the MOA of rvx-208 in the past 2 years.

I see 2 basic paths;

1 )The experimental/clinical trial path;

  • BETonMACE moving along for 2.5 years.
  • Orphan trials being short and leading to further evidence of the power of rvx-208.

2) The MOA/understanding chemically how rvx-208 works;

  • Very rapid progress has been made in this area.
  • New analysis results were announced at the Yale Club.
  • The proprietary blood bank provides a key for analysing new hypothesis.
  • As each new discovery is made about the MOA it can lead to more hypothesis regarding more orphan trials.
  • This also leads to new scientific papers and building momentum in the scientific communities. This I believe ads fuel the the broader community beginning to understand the potential of epigenetics and it adds profile to Resverlogix.
  • This will lead to increased perceptions that RVX is really onto something powerful.

So it seems to me that RVX will continue to make rapid progress in understanding the MOA of RVX as BETonMACE carries on. It is the MOA discoveries and orphan trials that will fuel interest that may help build the case for more regional deals and coverage by respected analysts.

It seems to me that RVX has shifted their strategy from trying to attract BP (who seem to be in the dark regarding epigenetics and the gap is so big it is difficult to sell to them) to targeting partners that are willing to take a risk. Hepalink is the first big example and this strategy remains in place. This could lead to RVX becoming a developer, marketer and distributor of drugs, and that would really raise the price if BP wanted them.

So, I'm holding for now because of the events that I feel will happen along the path to the BETonMACE findings.

Perhaps the most powerful factor in this stock right now is the continuos building of scientific credibility for the RVX scientists and their post hoc findings and continuing discoveries.

I guess I needed to ramble my thoughts on paper. GLTA


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