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Message: Re: Resverlogix_150929_C... (Rough, UNOFFICIAL transcript)

Thank you imtesty for this extraordinary effort.

I would urge everyone to spend an hour re-reading this in full. I listened to the webcast but it was only when I re-read this transcript that I truly began to appreciate the work that RVX has been doing over the last 18 months.

What came across to me is that RVX-208 does A LOT more than we thought it could.

The investment thesis for RVX has changed significantly and materially from 12 months ago.

Normally shifts in investment theses should be treated with caution. 'Drift' can be a cardinal sin when investing in stockmarkets.

But in this case the investment these has got better. A LOT BETTER.

Re-read the presentations from Ewa and the two KOLs. I am a layman but I feel confident when I say that the science being described is nothing short of earth shattering, ground breaking importance.

And RVX has been so so meticulous in its analysis. I would love to know when the results of this Colorado study will come back (slide 72).

The RVX team is excited. The KOLs are excited. I am excited.

I think we will see plenty of news and announcements over the next 2 years while BOM is ongoing. DM promises exactly this and after reading the presentations from Ewa and the KOLs I believe him. DM says that RVX will become known to a lot more people over the next 1-2 years. I do not doubt him.

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