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Message: Re: Why selling is so hard......
Nov 28, 2015 12:14AM

This is so true. It is something that I have struggled with from time to time and finally have come to grips with. My plan is to sell half of my position when the price gets to my predetermined price and I have put sell orders in at that price already so there is no decision to be made. It is about half my holdings and will give me the return I think is why I invested in this company in the first place. I then will sell half of my remaining position should we reach the next price I have in mind and ride the rest to the moon as Narmac would say. I never get into a investment with out knowing what I expect to get out of it When I have an opportunity for a profit I take it. I usually have a position on loss but this investment blew right through the stop loss on a couple of occasions and it taught me discipline to beleive in the original reason I invested in the stock in the first place. I have traded small portions of my position from time to time knowing if the price takes off I will still have my core investment. I have some really expensive shares in this company and some really cheap ones but my average is where we are now. so as we continue the rise I know the day will come when I will not give a rats ass what happens to this stock from an investment view point but will be able to say I had faith in that company and now it has changed so many lives because that is what this RVX 208 will do. I hope I am around to see it. Good luck to all on this forum.

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