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Message: Nuts and Bolts of Rescheduling


I just picked this off the E*Trade newswire which underscores the importance of fiduciary responsibility to shareholders

Law office of Brodsky & Smith, LLC announces that it is investigating potential claims against the Board of Directors of Medivation, Inc. ("Medivation" or "the Company") (Nasdaq- MDVN-News) for possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of state law in connection with the sale of the Company to Pfizer, Inc. ("Pfizer").

Under the terms of the transaction, Medivation shareholders will receive only $81.50 in cash for each share of Medivation stock they own. The investigation concerns whether the Board of Medivation breached their fiduciary duties to shareholders and whether Pfizer is underpaying for the Company. The transaction may undervalue the Company and may not be in the Medivation shareholders best interests. For example, it has been reported that the Company's drug Talazoparib has the potential to be a multibillion dollar drug that could work in multiple cancers.

Earlier I was reviewing the footnotes of the annual RVX report and as you mentioned earlier, there are many nuts and bolts and numerous investors with diverse interests and holdings to consider.

Royalty Preferred Shareholders - 75MM Royalty Preferred Shares

Citibank - 48MM Loan

Hepalink - 13% common stock

Eastern - 19.57% common stock

NGN - 9.4% of common stock

Stock Warrants - 12MM shares with avg excercise price of $1.47CAD and -avg expiration in 2.26 yrs

Restricted Stock Units - 589,000 - avg price of $1.30

Stock Options - 3.87MM shares with avg excercise price of $1.74CAD and - avg expiration in 1.87 yrs

Minority Shareholders

This is going to take some time to sort out - be it a milestone partnership, buyout, private placement, regional licensing agreement.....

Although this is a double blind trial, I would think that nine months into this those trial participants being dosed with RVX are beginning to notice positive changes in their health and vitality. Someone out there has some idea as to where this is going. After all, the DSMB just announced a positive recommendation to continue the trial. Soon, unconfirmed preliminary results will begin to surface and it will be difficult to keep a lid on the buzz - this may happen much sooner in the Zenith trial. I recently lost a friend who was taken by metastatic prostate cancer - it happened very quickly. Survivors will stand out soon if ZEN demonstrates efficacy - I only wish that he had the opportunity to try ZEN. Granted, the RVX trial endpoints are specific and must be met for licensing.

I like many others here have a positive vibe.

As always, events and circumstances will occur that may materially alter the results of the trial.

Patiently Long and Strong


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