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Message: A six day winning streak....

After closing at $1.20 for a drop of five cents for the day on September 7th we've had 6 consecutive days with the PPS climbing....a gain of 28.3% in just 6 days.

Even Ted Williams had games without getting a hit when he batted over 400 in 1941.

I point this out for the obvious reason....that obviously RVX isn't going to go up each and every single day. And just like some baseball fans get mad whenever a favorite player strikes out, even if he's a 300+ hitter with 30+ homeruns....I fully expect some caterwalling and crying if RVX pulls back on light volume. "Why is it going down if things look so good"????

Obviously that will come at some point....but here's hoping we get another few days of positive movement before it does. But if it happens tomorrow I'll be ready.

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