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Message: Message board fun and games....Resverlogix ain't Apple

In that interview Cramer talked about things beyond the trading....he also talked of spreading rumours, getting on the phone with Pisani of CNBC or mainstream financial reporters for publications like the WSJ.

That's all well and good for stocks like Apple....but obviously Resverlogix doesn't have anything approachign Apple's profile, we're not even in the same galaxy.

But if there are players trying of stir up some FUD among RVX holders....What avenues are available? I would argue.....not many. There aren't reporters covering Resverlogix for the Globe&Mail and we're not being profiled on BNN or ROBTV (does that still exist). Getting some writer to do a hit piece might even back fire in the sense that it could lead to people who didn't even know Resverlogix existed....it could put the stock on some radar screens.

But a message board? I would expect to see some trying to stir it up....I believe anyone involved in RVX trading, that they have a stake in trying to gauge and possibly influence investor sentiment.

That's what I like about Agora....okay, they can participate. But if they want to have fake conversations using 2 IDs, then it is hard to hide....have to use two different IPs.

Things sure got quiet all of a sudden....heh heh heh.

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