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Message: Re: Actions Speak Louder Than Words


That was a lot of speculation indeed, as you warned us. Thank you for also clarifying that "None of us knows what is happening or not happening" and "Do your own due dilligence and then do it again."  

I see you painted one rosy scenario by conecting the dots as you them. But of course all of this noise with the royalty preferred shares could mean nothing at all in the short term. Yes, we've been told that a licensing deal is going to happen in 2016. However, plans change and we really have no idea if it will materialize in 2016. We also have no idea if the proposed changes to the royalty preferred shares has anything to do with the licensing deal that may or may not happen in 2016. 

The December 15th AGM seems like such a long time to wait with this mystery of the royalty preferred shares and potential licensing deal looming. It could be something, but it could also be nothing until 2017. In the grand scheme of things, 2017 isn't that far away. 



Nov 27, 2016 05:14PM
Nov 30, 2016 01:31PM
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