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Message: Re: New Frontiers for both RVX/Zenith

LBBB is an EKG finding that usually results from an ischemic process causing the LV to contract slightly behind the right ventricle. EKGs descirbe the electrical nature of the heart, not the pumping quality. This micro second delay in conduction is usually the result of coronary artery disease.

Heart failure, defined as a reduced LVEF, has many different eitologies one of them being an ischemic cardiomyopathy (CMP). This type would fall under the purview of apabetalone since the end target is keeping the coronary arteries free from plaque. Non-schemic cardiomyopathies can be inherited or aquired. Some aquired CMP are sencondary to high blood pressure, years of abusing excessive alcohol and cocaine,  chemotherapy agents,  infectious diseases, autoimmune, arrthymias, the list is extensive.



























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