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Message: Looking back at an article in 2015 - a head scratcher...

Since we are all basically at the mercy of some news, I was looking back at a post by Kelsee.

Read the article from 2015 and ask yourself - why at the end of year 2016 - did CEO indicated (going from memory);

the conversations NEVER made it up to the top "decision makers" or something to that effect.

however in 2015, you say;  you are "in discussions with several global pharmaceutical companies for a potential sale, according to its chief executive officer." 

Who the heck are you talking to... the mailroom clerk?   What the heck!!

Final comment - the science has greatly progressed since 2015 - If I was the CEO (or mailroom clerk) of the organization watching then... and based on where we are today, I know what I would do!   :)







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