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Message: Three Months - Yeah, Right.

Why would the company care more about the big boys, as opposed to bleach bum retail investors?

I don't think you have to look any further than the B&B brokered overnight financing deal for the answer.  Prior to the cash injection that provided they were probably faced with the prospect of buying discounted no name coffee for the Tasimo machine.  

How could retail investors have helped?  We buy our shares on the open market, not directly from the company itself....some schmo buying say 10,000 shares, their money is going to the seller and not to Resverlogix....so when DM does his Toronto presentation at the B&B event the slide related to the financial questions retail investors are so curious about....it isn't included and Donny Boy addresses those issues verbally....nothing in writing for us, but then we're not "qualified investors" with at least $1 million in liquid capital available to invest....so we're in the dark.

We're left to play a guessing game, having to satisfy ourselves that whatever DM said with respect to the financial side....that given that it was good enough to attract about $5 million from those who heard the presentation....that those who bought in made a wise choice, plus obviously another $5 million give or take from Eastern/HL combined.


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