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Message: Re: IR
Sep 12, 2017 11:10AM
Sep 12, 2017 11:17AM
Sep 12, 2017 11:28AM
Sep 12, 2017 12:39PM

Maybe maybe maybe....maybe someone had a Dentist appointment.  "Rodman is on Monday....damn, that's when my root canal is".  Not likely granted, but I'm sick of guessing and sick of the lack of communication from a company that heralds its integrity and proclaims itself to belive in timely and tranparent communication.  

Honesty and intergrity, they go hand it hand.  If you're going to put up a value statement on the coporate website, then live up to it or take it down.  Change the bit on communication to something like...

While we often try to provide timely and transparent communication, there are times when we decide not to.  

In other words, don't make proclaim yourself to be a scratch golfer when you've never broken 100.....or put another way, don't urinate on my corn flakes and then try to tell me its milk.  

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