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Message: BET inhibitor and BRD4 papers keep piling up

Meant to say - Bear you read my mind!

I had been just about to post on insulin resistance, when I saw your comment about  regulation of adiponectin. 

I had also found (as noted in my previous attempt), "RVX-208 delayed and reduced oral glucose absorption and endogenous glucose production, with plasma glucose maintained via reduced peripheral glucose disposal. If sustained, these effects may protect against the development of type 2 diabetes."   (here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27173469 )

But was wondering whether anyone had found anything more directly addressing insulin resistance. Then saw your post.   Started to edit mine after reading yours - but it timed out.

IF it is demonstrated that RVX-208 either reduces or otherwise modifies the effects of insulin resisntance, given all the discussion about Alzheimers as "Type III" diabetes - would this make it a stronger candidate in that arena? 

(See for instance: 

Linking insulin with Alzheimer's disease: emergence as type III diabetes.

Contributions of Brain Insulin Resistance and Deficiency in Amyloid-Related Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease

2015 (not yet avail w/o $)

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