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Message: CANTOS and CIRT

 "Anything new here Bear?"

New to me? No. New to others on the board who missed it the first time we discussed it here? Maybe.

CANTOS trial supports inflammation as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Your link is a nice summary for those who missed the CANTOs news. Nissen's comments in point 4 and 5 are important to keep in mind with respect to apabetalone, which has anti-inflammatory effects including hsCRP reduction. 

Elevated blood glucose is bad. One of its deleterious effects is to lead to glycation (attaching a glucose molecule) to circulating proteins. Recent research has revealed that the primary protein component of HDL, apolipoprotein AI, is susceptible to glycation, which reduces its stability and function. So in addition to the effect of apabetalone to boost apoAI/HDL biosynthesis, the evidence of apabetalone to lower blood glucose in diabetics would further increase the stability and function of apoAI/HDL.


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