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Message: Re: Motley Fool - Resverlogix one of three biotechs than can "Electrify your TFSA"


My perspective on that (structural complexity) is that Don knows what he has and it will beĀ  either huge fairly soon (BoM - if successful it's to the moon!) or some aspects of it will develop into breakthrough science and there will be many hungry suitors at some point...think of all the indications, the multimodal MOA and finally the leverage that it will give Don to play out the game(s) when it gets to this stage.

The complications are part of the beauty of Don's chess game (yes, it is ironic that I give him this credit). While he seems to keep his cool it strikes me that he has had his back forced against the wall many times over the past 18 years and yet he keeps getting the $. One can't help to develop a thick skin and a somewhat of an "I'll show you" attitude toward people that try to low ball him.

I don't know Don but one of the things that stays in the back of my mind are the posts from SH years back about how his relatives having "skin in the game". If true, then I'm sure he has some sense of obligation to generate value for them. However, if they were able to bail during the $27 period then that is a different game.

Anyway, I'm not worried about the structural complexity. This could end up with regional players competing heavily for rights. Just think of the power of regional experts/partners in their local regulations and knowledge of payer systems.

I'm not seeing many signs of direct competition from BPs in CVD and DM. I am seeing signs of a growing momentum of epigentic exploration and direct, independent research with apabetalone.

Bottom line for me is that if apabetalone hits RRR=30% it will ignite huge interest scientifically and financially. If it exceeds this I personally think it could be explosive. Just my opinion.



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