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Message: A nice technical farewell to November - Hello December....

Just looking strictly at the chart, this is the first time since Oct 17th by my read that we closed above the 50 Day Moving Average which is currently at $3.23, although we did poke above it during interday trading once earlier this month on the 6th.  Another bullish indication is MACD which has been under the 0 line since early October, we're still below but moving up towards it....a continuation of today's move next week should be more than enough to break through.  

Today's volume of 70 odd thousand is still pretty anemic, but it was more than double Thursday's 31K and is the highest of the past 7 days.  

I think the climb into the bell could very well have been some short covering....and with the clock ticking down maybe, finally, shorts will be looking to do what has to be done (buy no matter the price) to eliminate what's left or close.

Cheers....I have one more post I have to do but its a different topic so I won't add it here.


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