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Message: I'm ready for anything at this point...

Koo....I hear what you are saying, and it is not without merit  It was a day ago so I'll refresh your memory.  

Led, we simply need to wait this baby out. No second guessing the market whatsoever.

Let's keep our fingers crossed for the best possible top-line results for BOM. Whatever we say or do won't mean a damn.


Again, it has merit, however I do think this forum does have an effect, the degree of course is up for debate. 

Let us assume that the drop that took place Monday, when for a time the PPS fell below $3....let us assume that the drop was due to some big players dumping shares short in the hopes of spooking some holders into selling.  Recall what happened back when there was a 'proposed' Bloom Burton share offering, I think it was May.  Short interest shot up to around 1.6 million.  Those who got spooked back then might have let go around the $1.20 to $1.30 area

If the assumption I'm making is correct, that the drop on Monday was a similar type 'bear raid' orchestrated by players hoping to shake the tree.  If that is true I doubt they'd appreciate message board bleacher bums pulling back the curtain on the scheme, and they'd appreciate even less  any opportunistic buying....such a move would be designed to scare people into selling, not into helping them acquire even more shares.


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