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Message: Just got off the phone with Paul Moon....

Bear as I understand it trials are discontinued for reasons pertaining to efficacy, safety or feasibility.  

Safety: We know there are no safety concerns with RVX. 

Efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result): The BOM trial still ongoing so it must be producing the desired or intended result with respect to MACE. 

Feasibility: The BOM trial was put into effect as it was considered a reasonable and a feasible thing to do based on the post hoc analysis at a cost of approx $400M, with partners such as SH owning 43% of RVX. 

Now for anyone to imply that Apabetalone is not working, at this point in time is irresponsible, in my opinion, in as much as continuing the medical trial if Apabeatlone in not producing the intended results. 

Please understand I am not challenging you in any way shape or form or anyone else for that matter. I just needed to say this. Look, no one is more in tune when it comes to RVX  than yourself. And I mean that sincerely. 

The probability of 1 that Apabetalone is working is in the cards, otherwise, we would not be where we are today and gone so far with the medical trials at such an expense. (IMO)



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