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Message: How important is ROFR for HL

RVX OT...best to leave this alone seeing that we don't know how the ROFR is structured. 

Where I'm coming from is that when I am ready to sell my place of residence I'm the one that sets the price tag with the help of my real estate agent. I would need to know where the market is before I list it for sale. That's all  I'm saying.  That would be my starting point. 

By the same token RVX needs to know what the market will bear. If RVX relies on a third party to set the price they can easily low ball it especially if they know who holds the ROFR. In this case, they'll know. If it was Pfizer that is holding the ROFR that would be a different case. You see where I am coming from. But again I don't know how the ROFR was struck between RVX & HL. The devil is in the details.  

As for the rest of it lets call it as lost in translation.  :o)



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