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Message: Re: Next private placement/licensing agreement


"CD.... your scenario equates to a zero-sum game does it not?.."

Not at all.  We don't know under my scenario, How many PP shares and Warrants were taken down?  When and what price points?  What this group or institution did with the PP shares or the warrants?.  Did they keep all of them?  Did they dispose all or some combination of the two?  If so.  What is being held?  Did they lend them out?  Knowing that another round of financing will come down.

Way too many variables that are unknown.

These types of shorts are always done in an iceberg fasion  and I believe that on the TSX it is on the uptick.

I was just trying to show another sceanario to the discussion.  I will say this, retail short sellers ever do well in the long run ask Jim Canos or Alexander Elder. They are like gamblers in vegas. The Institutional money always hedges the position with options or warrants.   




Feb 07, 2019 11:45AM
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