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Message: BETonMACE Placebo Estimate


I really have no idea why you are dwelling on IVUS and ASSURE now when that trial has been completed over five years ago and BETonMACE has been dosing for over 39 months now. IVUS is expensive. Think about the added BETonMACE trial cost with IVUS. One would need to have taken baseline IVUS measurements and at least one, probably more than one, follow up IVUS measurement during the trial. With 2400 patients, you can do the math. Not very practical in my opinion. Baseline IVUS were not done, so subsequent IVUS measurements would be confounded. The IVUS ship has sailed. Maybe you should have brought up this issue four years ago during BETonMACE design. LOL. Name me one cardiovascular outcomes trial that has also measured IVUS plaque changes in the same trial. I don't think you'll find one but I am happy to be proven wrong.


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