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Message: Re: Standard of Care in BETonMACE
Mar 19, 2019 08:45AM
Mar 19, 2019 10:44AM

BDAZ - Thank you. I was curious about the use of SGLT2's only as it gives us a sense of how quickly new drugs with good or great trial results get taken up by the target market. In our BETonMACE trial it showed that SGLT2's were being used by about 11% of patients. In the Beacon report Dr Kedeckil used only a 2% market penetration which I say is exceptionally conservative. The silver lining in this is that each 2% of market share in the diabetic CVD market is worth around $8.55 per share for RVX according to that Beacon Report. For my medium valuation I had assumed a 10% to 15% market uptake for apabetalone and the 11% of patients on SGLT2's in BoM lend some credibility to my assumption.

It is all guess work to begin with. I will take validation wherever I can get it. 

Note these numbers do not include any CKD or Cognitive patient use.


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