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Message: No mention of efficacy again...

Koo Thanks for the artilce about the Toronto memory program and Dr Sharen Cohen. I wonder has   she even heard of RVX.

I have been a shareholder in RVX since 2004 just after its IPO. Nothing but heartaches and exiloration along the way. Now we are under the RVX cone of silence again - nothing new there. I get so annoyed at the last minute financing deals and the lack of clarity about these deals and the disdain toward us  retail shareholders. I don't know how major owners like Dart and Hepa can be happy with the management at RVX. Things are looking reasonably upbeat now but I still worry about how safe my investment in RVX is and whether any BP will step forward with an offer. Back in May 2013 I asked Don a question at the AGM. If Pfizer bought Esperion recently for 1.3 billion would you take the same for RVX. His answer was " Only if it was my share."  So he has some pretty grandiose expectations. My grandiose expectations are to get out before I die. At times I tend to be a little paranoid. Of course that is understandable when everybody is trying to get me.I am a little paranoid about the Big Pharma boys. Being an ex-Pfizer guy I wonder if they would even want to look at RVX. If everything we have been told about ApaBetalone is true and I accept that it is a new paradgim and a major disruptive technology. 

I see a scenario where potentially one BP or a couple could buy it all and have a monopoly for treating many diseases. That might not be a good thing.


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