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Message: Re: Interesting timing on the news....

Bear - There is definitely a lot of vaguarity in past statements and yesterday's release. I agree that it is probably smart to continue dosing as it sounds like they are doing to strengthen the trial. Sarah definitely wrote to me a while back that the 250 would be adjudicated MACE events. Yesterday's NR headline stated that, "Successfully Reaches Its Targeted 250 MACE Events." According to Sarah the target was 250 adjudicated. That has obviously not been attained so there is a little untruth there. The numbers they gave yesterday say there are only 225 adjudicated. It appears that the MACE rate has really dropped causing them to revise they way they run the trial as it is taking to long to get there. They have actually reverted to the option that they had earlier chosen not to use. In the body of the NR is a more truthful statement that supports this, “has successfully reached 250 projected major adverse cardiac events (MACE)”.

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